
Initial Evaluation:

This is a FREE 15-minute evaluation by phone to help clients determine if Health Coaching and/or the following programs are right for them. Call me at 443-388-3396 to schedule your initial evaluation.

Three Month Coaching Program:

Six (6) coaching calls total/two (2) calls per month @ One hour each
Email support between sessions
Informative handouts
*Free book titled: The New Rules of Aging Well

**Total Investment: $690.00

Six Month Coaching Program:

12 coaching calls total/ two (2) calls per month @ One hour each
One (1) free 30-minute quick session
Email support between sessions
Informative handouts
*Free book titled: The New Rules of Aging Well

**Total Investment $1140.00

Smart Shopping:

A one (1) hour trip with client to their traditional grocery store or health food store in client’s area. Coach will supply materials to help guide client on what foods to look for and avoid. This is an excellent start for those that have little idea as to what they are eating and what ingredients are in the food. Smart Shopping can help client save on future meal cost and can considerably improve overall general health! Please feel free to bring along one (1) family member included in total investment.

Total Investment: $110.00

Group Sessions:

Each group session is designed to cover one of the four principles of the L.E.A.N Programs that can dramatically improve your understanding and lifestyle towards better health.

Session 1: Make Your Own Medicine
Session 2: Make Health Your Hobby
Session 3: Move Waist From Your Waist
Session 4: Live Without Pain & Inflammation

Each session is approximately 90 minutes and includes workbook, light snacks, bottled water, and meeting room. Any session can be attended in any order. Pricing subject to approximate number of attendees.

Total Investment: Call for quote

Pantry Makeovers:

Stepping right into your home, this is a fun event to help the client evaluate what items they store in the pantry. The makeover helps guide the client to better food choices in a “Judge free” environment. Learn what Traffic Light Eating, Healthy Substitution, and Foods to Avoid list mean to you and your family. You will receive information to help label foods in your panty and make it much easier to select what is best for your health. A real must for those that want to consolidate ingredients, make better selections, and save at the grocery store.

Recommended to have all household members attend! Runs approximately 1-1.5 Hours.

Total Investment: $135.00

Certified Health Coach

Lou Kopp
Certified Health Coach
Serving Sarasota, Tampa, Venice, North Port, Sun City Central
Phone: 443-388-3396


If you have any questions about these sessions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Discounts are available for multiple selections. I truly look forward to working with you as a valued client and helping to transform your health.

*This is a limited time only. Valued at $24.95
** Three-month session must be utilized within 4 months and Six-Month session within 8 months.

L.E.A.N. Programs are designed by Dr. Sears Wellness Institute. Coach is certified to teach these modules.

Add Years to Your Life and Life to Your Years